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Construction Invoice

Construction Invoice - Top 4 Results

"Construction Invoice" returned the following top 4 Excel invoice templates from Invoicing Templates database.

1. Simple Invoice for Construction Business

"Simple Invoice for Construction Business" was found to be relative to Construction Invoice with the score grade of 82.

(From Format Page - about 60 words) - On Thursday, November 12, 2015 released Simple Invoice for Construction Business for the first time, and assigned "c4046" as its template#. Like all the other invoice templates here on, Simple Invoice for Construction Business has two editions, one free Simple Invoice for Construction Business that is named "construction.xlsx", and another Uniform Invoice Software version that is named "construction-software.xlsx".

(From Format Page - about 60 words) - "Simple Invoice for Construction Business" is categorized as "Service Invoice Template". Simple Invoice for Construction Business has 4 columns on the form body. Simple Billing Format for Contractor has 12 lines on the invoice body, the line height for each line is 19.50 points. Simple Invoice for Construction Business defines its printable invoice form at "$E$2:$N$45" on the "Invoice" worksheet.

(From Format Page - about 39 words) - Simple Invoice for Construction Business is designed to be printable on "A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)" with portrait paper orientation. With this paper and orientation specification, Simple Billing Format for Contractor could be printed with the following margins.


(From Format Page - about 13 words) - Like Simple Invoice for Construction Business? You may also like these invoice templates:

(From Format Page - about 47 words) - Including this Simple Invoice for Construction Business, all invoice formats available here on are created from the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software. In fact, Simple Invoice for Construction Business can be seen as a sample on how to customize the default invoice template.

(From Format Page - about 16 words) - Simple Billing Format for Contractor has a PDF version too, which you can visit at construction.pdf.

(From Format Page - about 38 words) - With the Uniform Invoice Software version, Simple Invoice for Construction Business connects to an Access database "c4046.mdb" by default. The Uniform Invoice Software version Simple Invoice for Construction Business is fully functional only with the invocing software installed.

read more download format pdf

Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Construction Invoice? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Construction Invoice, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

2. Construction Proposal Template

"Construction Proposal Template" was found to be relative to Construction Invoice with the score grade of 82.

(From Format Page - about 54 words) - On Friday, December 13, 2013 released Construction Proposal Template for the first time, and assigned "c1001" as its template#. Like all the other invoice templates here on, Construction Proposal Template has two editions, one free Construction Proposal Template that is named "construction-proposal-contract-template.xls", and another Uniform Invoice Software version that is named "construction-proposal-contract-template-software.xls".

(From Format Page - about 52 words) - "Construction Proposal Template" is categorized as "Other Invoice Template". Construction Proposal Template has 1 columns on the form body. Construction Estimate Form has 16 lines on the invoice body, the line height for each line is 13.50 points. Construction Proposal Template defines its printable invoice form at "$F$2:$N$59" on the "Invoice" worksheet.

(From Format Page - about 35 words) - Construction Proposal Template is designed to be printable on "A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)" with portrait paper orientation. With this paper and orientation specification, Construction Estimate Form could be printed with the following margins.


(From Format Page - about 11 words) - Like Construction Proposal Template? You may also like these invoice templates:

(From Format Page - about 43 words) - Including this Construction Proposal Template, all invoice formats available here on are created from the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software. In fact, Construction Proposal Template can be seen as a sample on how to customize the default invoice template.

(From Format Page - about 14 words) - Construction Estimate Form has a PDF version too, which you can visit at construction-proposal-contract-template.pdf.

(From Format Page - about 34 words) - With the Uniform Invoice Software version, Construction Proposal Template connects to an Access database "c1001.mdb" by default. The Uniform Invoice Software version Construction Proposal Template is fully functional only with the invocing software installed.

(From Format Page - about 27 words) - As an invoicing template in Microsoft Excel format, the format and layout of Construction Proposal Template can be set via the Page Setup dialog box in Excel.

(From Download Page - about 131 words) - Construction Proposal Template helps you to create beautiful and professional invoices/business documents with an intuitive blank form in Microsoft Excel format. Construction Proposal Template has 1 columns on the form body. "Construction Proposal Template" is categorized as "Other Invoice Template". The template # of this Excel invoice template is "c1001" here on Creating a business document using this Construction Proposal Template is much like filling a blank paper form using a pen, but the Excel invoice template helps you go to electronic invoicing without a hard learning curve, and it also helps in computer-based accounting. Construction Proposal Template is printable like a general Excel document, and the print options can be easily adjusted by first opening Construction Proposal Template, and then go to the Page Setup dialog box in Excel.

read more download format pdf

3. Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template

"Irish Sales VAT Billing Form" was found to be relative to Construction Invoice with the score grade of 61.


(From Detail Page - about 129 words) - This VAT invoice template has a similar layout as c6008 VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Excluding Tax - you can also find a service invoice template here on, at c6014 VAT Service Invoice Template - Price Excluding Tax. The format has customized as per the requirements detailed on Irish Revenue. If you've never produced an invoice before you might be wondering how to go about this and what needs to be on the invoice in order for it to be accepted by your customer and their accounts department. If you're registered for VAT and are therefore charging VAT on your invoices it is especially important that your invoices are properly drawn up and that you keep copies so that you don't incur any penalties from Irish Revenue.


The VAT invoice issued must show:


(From Detail Page - about 49 words) - As per the requirements, to create this template, a new column "Discount" was added to the base template VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Excluding Tax. The "Discount" field is a custom field which is not included in the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software installer program.



(From Detail Page - about 38 words) - With this sample template, the Irish currency symbol (Irish pound,锟?Ir.) is not shown on the fields. It is easy if you running your business inside Ireland and want to show or change the currency symbol to Irish pound.

(From Detail Page - about 117 words) - To change the currency symbol of Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template, first make sure you've unprotected Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template spreadsheet. Select the cells (fields) for which you want to modify the currency symbol, by dragging your mouse to select multiple cells on Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template, you push CTRL key on keyboard and click each cell on Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template one by one, and then right-click one of the selected cell and choose Format Cells. From the Number tab, you can choose either "Currency" or "Accounting" from the Category list. Note that currency formats are used for general monetary values, you should use accounting formats to align decimal points in a column.

read more download format pdf

4. Simple Sample - Building & Remodeling Invoice

"Simple Sample - Building & Remodeling Invoice" was found to be relative to Construction Invoice with the score grade of 37.



(From Detail Page - about 15 words) - Let's how to make a building & remodeling invoice layout work with Uniform Invoice Software.




Names defined for your own company information. The report worksheets reference to these names. If omitted, you can type in the required information on report worksheets individually
oknCompanyName $F$2 Yes Your own company name
$F$4 Yes company city, state and zip
oknCompanyContact $F$5 Yes company contact, email and web address
Name defined for hidden cells
$A$10 No "Tax2 is applied to Tax1" option on Settings dialog box
$A$11 No "Tax total including shipping cost" option on Settings dialog box
oknTax1RateDefault $A$12 No Tax 1 rate set on the Settings dialog box
oknTax2RateDefault $A$14 No Tax 2 rate set on the Settings dialog box
oknTaxType $A$8 No Tax type set on the Settings dialog box. Could be 0, 1 or 2
Visible cells. Usually put outside the printable area
oknDatabaseName $N$3 No If the template connected with a database successfully, this cell shows the database name
oknStatus $N$5 No The status of current invoice, "Pending", "Paid" or "Void"
Invoice heading cells
oknInvoiceDate $K$4 No The "Clear & New" command fill the current date into this cell
oknInvoiceID $K$5 No The "Save Invoice" command fill this cell automatically if left empty. Uniform Invoice Software shows the content of an invoice if you enter an existing invoice# into this cell.
"Bill To" section
oknWhoAddress $F$10 Yes
oknWhoCityStateZip $F$11 Yes
oknWhoZipPostcode $F$12 Yes
oknWhoCountry $F$13 Yes
oknWhoPhone $F$14 Yes
oknWhoEmail $F$15 Yes
oknWhoName $F$9 No Customer Name
oknWhoID $F$16 No Customer#
"Ship To" section
oknShipAddress $J$10 Yes
oknShipCityStateZip $J$11 Yes
oknShipZipPostcode $J$12 Yes
oknShipCountry $J$13 Yes
oknShipContact $J$14 Yes
oknShipName $J$9 Yes
For the "Info line" below the "Bill To" section
oknOrderID $D$19 Yes Purchased Order Number. On the default template it is below the label "Order ID"
oknPaymentTerm $J$19 Yes If defined, Uniform Invoice Software shows "In-cell Picker" for this cell
oknDueDate $K$19 Yes
oknShipDate $H$19 Yes
oknSalesRepName $F$19 Yes If defined, Uniform Invoice Software shows "In-cell Picker" for this cell
oknShipVia $I$19 Yes If defined, Uniform Invoice Software shows "In-cell Picker" for this cell
Invoice detail section. Each line has these names defined. For example if you have 5 lines, you need to define 5 names from oknProductID_1 to oknProductID_5, and 5 names from oknProductName_1 to oknProductName_5, and 5 names from oknLinetotal_1 to oknLinetotal_5, and so on. If you need a batch naming tool, contact us.
oknProductName_1 $F$22 No Product (item) description of each item
oknQuantity_1 $I$22 No
oknPrice_1 $J$22 No
oknLineTotal_1 $K$22 No
oknProductID_1 $D$22 No Product# (Item#) of each invoicing item
oknTaxable_1 $A$22 Yes Each "Taxable" check box link to one of "oknTaxable_?" cell
oknCost_1 $B$22 Yes "Cost" of each product item. Default is 0
Invoice bottom section.
oknSubTotal $K$34 No Default formua: =SUM(oknLineTotal_1:oknLineTotal_12)
oknTax1Name $I$35 No Tax 1 name defined on the Settings dialog box
oknTax2Name $I$36 No Tax 2 name defined on the Settings dialog box
oknTax1Rate $J$35 No Tax 1 rate. "Clear & New" button fill this cell with the value of oknDefaultTax1Rate
oknTax2Rate $J$36 No Tax 2 rate. "Clear & New" button fill this cell with the value of oknDefaultTax2Rate
oknTax1 $K$35 No Default formula: =ROUND(IF(oknTaxType=0, 0, oknTax1Rate*(oknLineTotalTaxable+IF(oknTaxTotalIncludingShippingCost =0, 0, oknShippingCost))), 2)
oknTax2 $K$36 No Default formula: =ROUND(IF(oknTaxType<>2, 0, oknTax2Rate*(oknLineTotalTaxable+IF(oknTaxTotalIncludingShippingCost =0, 0, oknShippingCost)+IF(oknTax2IsAppliedToTax1=0, 0, oknTax1))), 2)
oknShippingCost $K$37 Yes Manually fillable on creating invoice
oknTotal $K$38 No Default formua: =ROUND(oknSubTotal + oknShippingCost + IF(oknTaxType=0, 0, IF(oknTaxType=1, oknTax1, oknTax1+oknTax2)), 2)
oknBalanceDue $K$40 No Default formula: =ROUND(oknTotal-oknPayments, 2)
oknLineTotalTaxable $B$34 Yes Total amount that used when calculating tax. If omitted, your taxing formula cannot use this name. Default value is zero
oknPayments $B$39 No Total amount of payments applied / posted to this invoice.
oknNotes $D$38 Yes The "Notes" of each invoice.

(From Detail Page - about 57 words) - Every business is different, and we know that you want to use an invoicing form that is specific to your business. With this invoice template sample, we copy an existing invoicing layout for a building and remodeling service business into a template built for Uniform Invoice Software, and have Uniform Invoice Software works with the new form.

read more download format pdf

* - numbers inside "...(" and ")..." indicating the words omitted from the descriptions of the templates.

Construction Invoice - Summary

Construction Invoice returned the following top 4 results from database.

Top 4 Results of Construction Invoice
Title / File Name / Release Date / RequirementsColumns / Template#LinesPrintable on / OrientationCategory
Simple Invoice for Construction Business, Simple Billing Format for Contractor,
Thursday, November 12, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 04612A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / PortraitService Invoice Template
Construction Proposal Template, Construction Estimate Form,
Friday, December 13, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
1 / c1 * 00116A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / PortraitOther Invoice Template
Irish Sales VAT Invoice Template, Irish Sales VAT Billing Form,
Tuesday, August 25, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
7 / c7 * 02418A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / PortraitSales Invoice Template
Simple Sample - Building & Remodeling Invoice, Simple Sample - Building & Remodeling Service Invoice,
Monday, February 1, 2016,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 05616Letter (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.) / PortraitService Invoice Template

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