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Shipping Invoice In Word

Shipping Invoice In Word - Top 10 Results

"Shipping Invoice In Word" returned the following top 10 Excel invoice templates from Invoicing Templates database.

1. Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column)

"Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column)" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 97.

(From Format Page - about 66 words) - "Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column)" is categorized as "Sales Invoice Template". Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) has 5 columns on the form body. Form with 5 Price Levels has 30 lines on the invoice body, the line height for each line is 15.00 points. Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) defines its printable invoice form at "$H$2:$O$56" on the "Invoice" worksheet.

(From Format Page - about 41 words) - Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) is designed to be printable on "A4 (210 mm x 297 mm)" with portrait paper orientation. With this paper and orientation specification, Form with 5 Price Levels could be printed with the following margins.


(From Format Page - about 15 words) - Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) is featured on Downloadable Free Invoice Forms Pdf.

(From Format Page - about 51 words) - Including this Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column), all invoice formats available here on are created from the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software. In fact, Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) can be seen as a sample on how to customize the default invoice template.

(From Format Page - about 16 words) - Form with 5 Price Levels has a PDF version too, which you can visit at five-price-levels-sales-percentage-custom.pdf.

(From Format Page - about 42 words) - With the Uniform Invoice Software version, Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) connects to an Access database "c5029.mdb" by default. The Uniform Invoice Software version Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) is fully functional only with the invocing software installed.

(From Format Page - about 31 words) - As an invoicing template in Microsoft Excel format, the format and layout of Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) can be set via the Page Setup dialog box in Excel.

(From Download Page - about 65 words) - Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) helps you to create beautiful and professional invoices/business documents with an intuitive blank form in Microsoft Excel format. Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column) has 5 columns on the form body. "Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column)" is categorized as "Sales Invoice Template". The template # of this Excel invoice template is "c5029" here on


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

2. Five Price Levels (Sales, Amount, Custom Column)

"Five Price Levels (Sales, Amount, Custom Column)" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 82.

(From Detail Page - about 26 words) - This sample of customizing invoice templates is named with the keyword "cosmetic". A new column "Color" was added to meet the requirements of the cosmetic business.

(From Detail Page - about 119 words) - The color column is a custom field defined both in the Product and Invoice Body database tables, which is the most noticeable difference between this customized invoice template and the original 5 Price Levels (Sales, Amount) invoice template. This means that for each product, you can set its color property, and the color values are filled automatically when you choose products from the database. Like all the other invoice templates in this serials available here on, the full power of the invoice template comes only with the installation of Uniform Invoice Software, although the free version of this "Form with 5 Price Levels (Sales, Amount, Custom Column)" invoice template can also help you create professional and beautiful invoices.

(From Detail Page - about 92 words) - In this invoice template, the 5 prices, which you can set on the Custom Fields tab of the Product Edit window, are in amount, but not percentage. The keyword "sales" indicates that the template has shipping fields included in the printable area. If you would like a version that uses percentage discounts and includes shipping fields, click here; or if you would like a version that uses percentage discounts and has no shipping fields inside the printable area, click here; or for a service version that sets prices in amount click here.


3. Service Invoice with Discount Amount

"Service Invoice with Discount Amount" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 77.

(From Detail Page - about 41 words) - Service Invoice with Discount Amount (c4024) is a customization sample and variant of Service Invoice with Discount Percentage (c4005). The modifications to the original Excel service invoice template is that the discount percentage field is now redefined as an amount field.

(From Detail Page - about 44 words) - When the discount field is a percentage, the total is calculated with an Excel formula like " =ROUND(IF(oknInvDiscount=0,oknSubTotal,oknInvDiscount*oknSubTotal),2)". In this Service Billing Form with Discount Amount, since the discount is an amount, the total is now calculated with an Excel formula like " =ROUND(oknSubTotal-oknInvDiscount,2)".

(From Detail Page - about 110 words) - As we can see from this example, Uniform Invoice Software allows you to add new fields to all the main database tables (as well as the Excel invoicing forms), since the templates are in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, it is also possible to create or define the relationship between new fields and existing fields. The use of discount field is just a simple example. More complex features that are not found in the existing Excel invoice templates can also be added, such as Free Five Price Percentage Levels, and Mixed Tax Rates in an Invoice. You can find more samples by browsing our categories and search pages here on

(From Detail Page - about 105 words) - Although it is easy to create the layout and format of Service Invoice with Discount Amount with Microsoft Word or other Microsoft Office programs, or even with some PDF programs, the support for Excel formulas makes doing automated calculations easy to implement and modify. For example, Service Invoice with Discount Amount uses Excel formulas extensively to do calculations whenever possible and necessary, such as the taxes, totals. If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of Service Invoice with Discount Amount, Excel formulas are also used to create the relationship between several fields, such as one field should be the sum of two other fields.

(From Detail Page - about 20 words) - This free invoice template is a service invoice template, meaning that there is no fields defined for shipping address information.

(From Detail Page - about 108 words) - The difference between sales invoice template and service invoice template here on is simple - if a template contains the "Ship To" section on the printable section, we call it sales invoice. If it does not contain the "Ship To" section, it is categorized as service invoice. If the form has a very special design in its layout, such as Tax Invoice for Printing Shop, which moves the "Ship To" section (titled with "Delivery To") to the body of the invoice form, we add the template to both the sales invoice template and service invoice template category. Service Invoice with Discount Amount adheres to this rule too.

(From Detail Page - about 61 words) - If you are using Excel Invoice Manager, i.e. the previous version of Uniform Invoice Software, you might be already familiar with the concept of custom fields. However, custom fields in Uniform Invoice Software are much easier to work with. For example, with Uniform Invoice Software now the Custom Field Manager can be opened directly from all the main data list windows.


4. United Arab Emirates Invoice Template

"United Arab Emirates Billing Form" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 61.

(From Detail Page - about 48 words) - Converting paper-based invoice flows to electronic channels is an efficient way to cut costs and enhance supply chain integration. Use this template, United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, or United Arab Emirates Billing Form, as a starting point of design of your own invoicing form for your UAE-based business.


(From Detail Page - about 23 words) - The layout of this Excel template United Arab Emirates Invoice Template is created in a way so that it meets the following requirements.

  • Supplier Information (Your Information)
    • Supplier Name
    • Supplier Address
    • Supplier's VAT registration number
    • Supplier's telephone number, contact person and email address
    • Bank information
  • Customer Information (Client Information)
    • Customer name
    • Customer address
    • Customer's telephone number, contact person and email address
    • Shipping address
  • The word INVOICE or CREDIT (In case of credit note)
  • Invoice number (must be unique, which could be generated automatically when Uniform Invoice Software is installed).
  • Invoice date (please specify the format used - it is in dd/mm/yyyy format by default)
  • Currency, must be the same currency as stated in the Purchase Order
  • Specification of goods and services delivered
  • Tax amount. If multiple taxes (VAT/WHT) are applicable
  • The tax rate for every net amount should be specified
  • Total payable amount
  • For credit notes, invoice number being credited must be stated (one credit note per invoice)


(From Detail Page - about 164 words) - If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, there are additional taxing options on the Taxes tab of the Settings window. The first is the option for choosing the number of tax items; you have 3 choices - no tax, one tax and two taxes. Secondly, you can set the names and rates in percentage for each tax, such as VAT, GST or PST, or simply Sales Tax. Thirdly, there are a group of checkbox options on the dialog box, including: "Tax invoice total including shipping cost", which adds the shipping cost to the taxable amount when checked; "Tax 2 is applied to tax 1", which adds the amount of "tax 1" to the taxable amount if checked; and "tax rate can be zero", which allows you to set any of the tax rates to be the value of zero. If you modify the options on this dialog box, the invoice form will be changed accordingly if needed.


(From Detail Page - about 105 words) - Although it is easy to create the layout and format of United Arab Emirates Invoice Template with Microsoft Word or other Microsoft Office programs, or even with some PDF programs, the support for Excel formulas makes doing automated calculations easy to implement and modify. For example, United Arab Emirates Invoice Template uses Excel formulas extensively to do calculations whenever possible and necessary, such as the taxes, totals. If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, Excel formulas are also used to create the relationship between several fields, such as one field should be the sum of two other fields.

(From Detail Page - about 117 words) - To change the currency symbol of United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, first make sure you've unprotected United Arab Emirates Invoice Template spreadsheet. Select the cells (fields) for which you want to modify the currency symbol, by dragging your mouse to select multiple cells on United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, you push CTRL key on keyboard and click each cell on United Arab Emirates Invoice Template one by one, and then right-click one of the selected cell and choose Format Cells. From the Number tab, you can choose either "Currency" or "Accounting" from the Category list. Note that currency formats are used for general monetary values, you should use accounting formats to align decimal points in a column.


5. Shipping Invoice Template (2)

"Shipping Invoice Template (2)" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 58.


(From Detail Page - about 42 words) - All invoice templates created and hosted here on are based on the default sales invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software, which is our invoicing software that is able to turn a simple Excel invoice template into a powerful invoicing program.

(From Detail Page - about 52 words) - If you are interesting in how we created this customized shipping invoice format from the original shipping invoice template, here are the steps: unprotect the Invoice worksheet, switch to design mode, display row headings and gridlines of the Excel spreadsheet, resize columns to make it printable on A4 paper in Landscape orientation.

(From Detail Page - about 61 words) - The protection of the Invoice worksheet in Shipping Invoice Template (2) prevents accidental modifications to layouts and formulas. If you have Uniform Invoice Software installed, it could even display a warning message when you close a template without protecting the invoice worksheet. However for the purpose of this sample, we should firstly unprotect the Invoice worksheet in Shipping Invoice Template (2).


  • In Excel 2003 click the Design Mode button on the Control Toolbox toolbar. Tip: If the Control Toolbox toolbar is invisible, click Excel menu View > Toolbars > Control Toolbox.
  • In Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013, click the Design Mode button in the Controls group of the Developer tab.

    (From Detail Page - about 53 words) - TIP: If the Developer tab is not available in Excel 2007, do the following to display it: a) Click Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options; b) In the Popular category, under Top options for working with Excel, select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box, and then click OK.

    (From Detail Page - about 49 words) - Or in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 to display the Developer tab: a) Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon; b) In the area on the right, ensure that the box next to Developer is checked; c) When you click OK, the Developer tab will appear in the ribbon.


(From Detail Page - about 11 words) - To show gridlines and row/column headers in Excel 2000 - 2003:

  1. Click and activate the worksheet you want to display gridlines and row/column headers for.
  2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the View tab.
  3. Under Window options, check the Gridlines and Row & Column Headers check boxes.

(From Detail Page - about 40 words) - After your customization, go back to the Tools menu, Options, View tab. Under Window options, REMOVE the checks you previously placed by the two check boxes to hide gridlines and row/column headers. This will restore the appearance of your template.

(From Detail Page - about 14 words) - To show/hide gridlines and row/column headers in Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013:

  1. Click and activate the worksheet you want to display gridlines and row/column headers for.
  2. Go to the View tab of the Ribbon.
  3. Click Show/Hide, and then check or uncheck the Gridlines and Headings options.


(From Detail Page - about 94 words) - Resizing columns is easy in Microsoft Excel. For example, let's say you want to change the width of column A. Make sure Shipping Invoice Template (2) is unprotected. First Place the mouse pointer on the line between columns A and B in the column header. The pointer will change to a double - headed arrow. Click with the left mouse button and drag the double - headed arrow to the right to widen column A or to the left to make it narrower. Follow these same steps to change the width of other columns.


(From Detail Page - about 44 words) - If you are looking for a Shipping Invoice Template in Microsoft Word format, we recommend this Excel Shipping Invoice Template instead. As you can see from the above customization procedure, it is easier to create and format the shipping invoice form in Microsoft Excel.


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

6. South Africa Tax Invoice Template (Sales)

"South Africa Tax Invoice Template (Sales)" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 56.

(From Detail Page - about 42 words) - To create a valid tax invoice that meets the requirements from South African Revenue Services (SARS), your invoice template should have formatted in a professional way. Download South Africa Tax Invoice Template (Sales) for free and start creating professional invoices in minutes.

(From Detail Page - about 115 words) - With this implementation of south Africa tax billing format, the shipping address is included on the format, so that the template is categorized as sales invoice template. With this tax invoice template, the prices defined on the form excluding VAT, i.e. VAT is added separated. As detailed on the SARS (South African Revenue Services) site, Value-Added Tax is commonly known as VAT. VAT is an indirect tax on the consumption of goods and services in the economy. Revenue is raised for government by requiring certain businesses to register and to charge VAT on the taxable supplies of goods and services. These businesses become vendors that act as the agent for government in collecting the VAT.

(From Detail Page - about 65 words) - In order to comply with VAT regulations, for any sale of more than R50, you have to issue a tax invoice, with the word "tax invoice" printed on it. This is the most important document in the VAT system. The VAT Act prescribes that a tax invoice must contain certain details about the taxable supply as well as the parties to the transaction. This includes:

  1. The value of the goods/services excluding VAT
  2. The VAT amount (calculated at 14% of the above amount)
  3. The value of the goods/services including VAT
  4. The name, address and VAT registration number of the person buying the goods/services
  5. And your own name, address and VAT registration number.

(From Detail Page - about 37 words) - It is of upmost importance to adhere to these valid tax invoice requirements. It is found that the South African Revenue Services (SARS) became very strict when they review or audit a Value added tax (VAT) period.

(From Detail Page - about 92 words) - If you are a service provider that does not need the shipping address section on the invoice form, see South Africa Tax Invoice Template (Service) here on We are also providing a special template that is suitable for attorney, where a "Date" column is added to the invoice detail section. Please refer to Free Attorney Invoice Template (South Africa Currency) for the details. All these templates and layout work with Uniform Invoice Software (UIS), which is able to turn a simple Microsoft Excel invoice template into a complete invoicing software system.


7. Simple Proforma Invoice Template

"Simple Proforma Invoice Template" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 54.



(From Detail Page - about 163 words) - If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of Simple Proforma Invoice Template, there are additional taxing options on the Taxes tab of the Settings window. The first is the option for choosing the number of tax items; you have 3 choices - no tax, one tax and two taxes. Secondly, you can set the names and rates in percentage for each tax, such as VAT, GST or PST, or simply Sales Tax. Thirdly, there are a group of checkbox options on the dialog box, including: "Tax invoice total including shipping cost", which adds the shipping cost to the taxable amount when checked; "Tax 2 is applied to tax 1", which adds the amount of "tax 1" to the taxable amount if checked; and "tax rate can be zero", which allows you to set any of the tax rates to be the value of zero. If you modify the options on this dialog box, the invoice form will be changed accordingly if needed.

(From Detail Page - about 16 words) - Secondly, we move the "Taxable" cells out of the print area of the proforma invoicing form.

(From Detail Page - about 140 words) - The printable area, or print area, is the area with white background on the center of the Simple Proforma Invoice Template spreadsheet. By default Microsoft Excel prints the entire worksheet when you issue the print command, but if the worksheet has a print area defined, such as what we do for Simple Proforma Invoice Template, only the print area will print. You can add cells to expand the print area as needed, and you can clear the print area to print the entire worksheet again. If you need to recreate the print area definition, here are what to do: On the "Invoice" worksheet of the Simple Proforma Invoice Template, select the cells that you want to define as the print area; On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Print Area, and then click Set Print Area.


Note that if you use the Uniform Invoice Software and need to show the control on an extracted invoice, then the control should be named with an "oknWidget_" prefix. For example, if you move the Taxable checkboxes into the printable invoice form, then the checkboxes should be named with "oknWidget_" prefix, such as oknWidget_taxtable1, oknWidget_taxable2, oknWidget_taxable3...


(From Detail Page - about 88 words) - As you can see from Simple Proforma Invoice Template, one benefit of using Excel as your invoice creator, as compared to other invoice template formats like Microsoft Word invoice template and PDF invoice template, HTML invoice template or even Photoshop invoice template, is that you can easily apply formulas to do calculations. This means that, once the basic figures are entered on the form, like Quantity and Unit Price, or Hours and Hourly Rate, or Days and Daily Rate, the calculation of totals and taxes is done automatically.


8. Singapore GST Invoice Template (Sales)

"Singapore GST Invoice Template (Sales)" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 33.


(From Detail Page - about 123 words) - As IRAS (Inland Revenue Authority Of Singapore) states, a tax invoice must be issued when your customer is GST registered. Your customer needs to keep this tax invoice as a supporting document to claim input tax on his standard-rated purchases. In general, a tax invoice should be issued within 30 days from the time of supply. A tax invoice need not be issued for zero-rated supplies , exempt supplies and deemed supplies or to a non-GST registered customer. Your customers usually make payments only against valid original invoices. Following IRAS invoice requirements will ensure that invoices are valid. Note that your customers may have additional requirements regarding invoicing. Make sure your invoices meet their requirements so that you can get paid on time.

(From Detail Page - about 150 words) - Also known as Value Added Tax (VAT) in many other countries, Goods and Services Tax (GST) is a consumption tax that is levied on the supply of goods and services in Singapore and the import of goods into Singapore. GST is an indirect tax, expressed as a percentage (currently 7%) applied to the selling price of goods and services provided by GST registered business entities in Singapore. As a GST registered entity, you are required to submit a return to the tax authorities based on your accounting cycle, normally on a quarterly basis. GST registration is required only if the company falls under the following: 1) The turnover is more than S$1 million for the past 12 months 鈥?known as the retrospective basis 鈥揙R- 2) There is a reason to expect that the turnover will exceed S$1 million for the next 12 months 鈥?known as the prospective basis.


  1. the words "tax invoice" in a prominent place
  2. an identifying number (Invoice #)
  3. the date of issue of the invoice (Invoice Date)
  4. the name, address and registration number of the supplier
  5. the name and address of the person to whom the goods or services are supplied
  6. a description sufficient to identify the goods or services supplied and the type of supply
  7. for each description, the quantity of the goods or the extent of the services and the amount payable, excluding GST
  8. any cash discount offered
  9. the total amount payable excluding GST, the rate of GST and the total GST chargeable shown as a separate amount
  10. the total amount payable including the total GST chargeable and
  11. if the amount under (9) to (10) above is in foreign currency, the corresponding Singapore currency has to be indicated

(From Detail Page - about 48 words) - This invoicing form was designed as a sales invoice template and thus it includes the shipping address section. If you are a service provider that does not need the shipping address, a variant of this template is also here on, at c6022 Singapore GST Invoice Template (Service).


(From Detail Page - about 103 words) - While the free version of Singapore GST Invoice Template (Sales) is simple, the result invoice created by using this Microsoft Excel invoice template is as beautiful and professional as many commercial invoicing software program, or even better. It is an ideal tool for small businesses and freelances who sales products and do need a shipping section on their invoicing form. It is a good sales invoice creator, but if you need more features, like management of customers, products / product items, invoices and payments, just install Uniform Invoice Software to make all the buttons on Singapore GST Invoice Template (Sales) work for you.


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Shipping Invoice In Word, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

9. Advertising Agency Invoice Template

"ad agency bill format" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 26.

(From Detail Page - about 31 words) - Are you an advertising agency and looking for an easy to create your bills? Download this free Advertising Agency Invoice Template and start creating your first ad agency bill in minutes.

(From Detail Page - about 63 words) - Like all the free template available here on, the main download link points to a MS Excel spreadsheet format (xlsx) ad agency billing template, which offers a blank form designed for advertising agencies and is editable and fillable as it is protected with no password. If you are looking for an Adobe PDF version, look for the "PDF" link on this page.

(From Detail Page - about 48 words) - You can use this free template to create beautiful and professional invoices as easy as fill in a blank paper form. With Microsoft Excel installed, the template is printable, and you can also choose to generate PDF invoices and then send it using email as an electronic invoice.

(From Detail Page - about 78 words) - However if that is not enough because your company has lots of invoices to process every day and need you an easy and way to track payments and manage client accounts, simply install Uniform Invoice Software, which is free of cost within the trial period. Once Uniform Invoice Software is installed, the simple Excel-formatted template goes live and becomes a powerful advertising agency invoice maker! You'll be able to manage the customer accounts, invoicing items, payments and invoices.

(From Detail Page - about 21 words) - Like the default template installed with Uniform Invoice Software, this template has two taxes set on the bottom of the form.

(From Detail Page - about 163 words) - If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of Advertising Agency Invoice Template, there are additional taxing options on the Taxes tab of the Settings window. The first is the option for choosing the number of tax items; you have 3 choices - no tax, one tax and two taxes. Secondly, you can set the names and rates in percentage for each tax, such as VAT, GST or PST, or simply Sales Tax. Thirdly, there are a group of checkbox options on the dialog box, including: "Tax invoice total including shipping cost", which adds the shipping cost to the taxable amount when checked; "Tax 2 is applied to tax 1", which adds the amount of "tax 1" to the taxable amount if checked; and "tax rate can be zero", which allows you to set any of the tax rates to be the value of zero. If you modify the options on this dialog box, the invoice form will be changed accordingly if needed.

(From Detail Page - about 102 words) - Although it is easy to create the layout and format of Advertising Agency Invoice Template with Microsoft Word or other Microsoft Office programs, or even with some PDF programs, the support for Excel formulas makes doing automated calculations easy to implement and modify. For example, Advertising Agency Invoice Template uses Excel formulas extensively to do calculations whenever possible and necessary, such as the taxes, totals. If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of Advertising Agency Invoice Template, Excel formulas are also used to create the relationship between several fields, such as one field should be the sum of two other fields.


10. Welder Invoicing Template

"Welder Invoicing Template" was found to be relative to Shipping Invoice In Word with the score grade of 16.


(From Detail Page - about 191 words) - This sample invoicing template offered to your for free by is based on c8004 Welding And Fabrication Service Invoice Template. It was created by moving back the "Ship To section" to the printable form and deleting the "Type" column. By adding back the "Ship To" section (you can easily modify it to be titled with job location or job place), so this template is categorized as sales invoice template here on By removing the "Type" column from the invoice detail section, you have more fillable space in the invoice descriptions. Note that, if you are running a welding and steel business, you may like to take a look at c8003 Welding Invoice Template, which includes the features to automatically calculate welding prices and costs. Or if you need more fillable space on your welding invoice form, this is especially true when you are a mobile welder, see c5064 Simple Welding Invoice Template, which contains only 5 columns. With c6017 Welding / Fabrication Tax Invoice, we moved the Dimension column out of the printable area, and moved in the taxable column so that it is included in the printable invoice.



(From Detail Page - about 100 words) - Adding a custom field to the Invoice Header table in the database makes it possible to save the field value to database along with the other data of an invoice. For example, adding the custom field Company Name to the Invoice Header database table allows you to save the company name of a customer to the database when you save an invoice. If you use Uniform Invoice Software version template Welder Invoicing Template and add the custom field to the invoice form, the value is saved from or retrieved to Welder Invoicing Template whenever you save or reload an invoice.

(From Detail Page - about 43 words) - After removing the text and names of the "Type" column, the space of the type column is merged into the Description column, so that the fillable description column could hold more content about the welding or steel fabrication job that have been done.

(From Detail Page - about 116 words) - Merge and Center works by merging the selected cells into one and then centering the data in the new combined cell. While design an invoice template layout like Welder Invoicing Template, Merge and Center could be a handy tool if used properly. One thing to note, however, since Uniform Invoice Software relies on cell names (or field names) to create the relationship between the Excel form cells and the database fields, you should make sure the cell that contains a field name is the first one in the group of cells that are to be merged. This way, Uniform Invoice Software will work with the merged cell by reading from or writing to the named cell.

(From Detail Page - about 56 words) - One thing to note is that tested the templates, including Welder Invoicing Template, on Microsoft Windows (with Excel, not Word) only, and the testing on Mac was usually not performed. If you need to run Welder Invoicing Template on Mac, test it with Mac version of Microsoft Excel before you apply it for production purpose.


* - numbers inside "...(" and ")..." indicating the words omitted from the descriptions of the templates.

Shipping Invoice In Word - Summary

Shipping Invoice In Word returned the following top 10 results from database.

Top 10 Results of Shipping Invoice In Word
Title / File Name / Release Date / RequirementsColumns / Template#LinesPrintable on / OrientationCategory
Five Price Percentage Levels (Sales, Custom Column), Form with 5 Price Levels,
Sunday, November 17, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 02930A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Five Price Levels (Sales, Amount, Custom Column), Form with 5 Price Levels,
Friday, November 15, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 00930A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Service Invoice with Discount Amount, Service Billing Form with Discount Amount,
Sunday, May 18, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 02412A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template
United Arab Emirates Invoice Template, United Arab Emirates Billing Form,
Wednesday, August 26, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 07312A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Shipping Invoice Template (2), Freight Invoice Format (2),
Wednesday, January 15, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 04816A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Landscape Sales Invoice Template
South Africa Tax Invoice Template (Sales), South Africa Tax Billing Format (Sales),
Saturday, August 1, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 03612A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Simple Proforma Invoice Template, Simple Proforma Invoice Format,
Thursday, October 9, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
6 / c6 * 01920A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Pro-forma Invoice Template
Singapore GST Invoice Template (Sales), Singapore GST Billing Format (Sales),
Sunday, August 23, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
6 / c6 * 02118A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Advertising Agency Invoice Template, ad agency bill format,
Monday, February 22, 2016,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 06416A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template
Welder Invoicing Template, Welder Billing Form,
Friday, September 26, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
7 / c7 * 02120Letter (8-1/2 in. x 11 in.) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template

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Free Commercial Invoicing Template

Blank Commercial Invoice Template, Commercial Invoicing Template, Commercial Invoice Template with Colorful Business Name


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