

The template works with both the Microsoft Store edition and the desktop edition of the app. Make sure you have installed one of them.

How to use:

  1. Download the EXE package.
  2. Double-click to extract the files into a folder. Make sure you have full access privileges to the folder, such as a subfolder inside “My Documents”.
  3. Open the template.
435 KBDownload

License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale). See our Terms of Use.


The screen shot for Timesheet


This timesheet template keeps track of the hours your employee puts in at work. It has sections for the job location, the job contact, the number of hours each employee puts in, their hourly wage, and the administrative charge. This is a timesheet for each week.

Timesheets can either record the duration of a task or merely its start and end times. Payroll, client billing, and an increasing amount of project costing, estimation, tracking, and management may all use this data.

The template for a timesheet comprises 11 columns.

There are seven columns after the Name column where you can input the number of hours worked each day. This is where the duration of each employee's employment is noted.

The Total Hours column follows that. Excel formulas are used to automatically calculate this column.

The Rate column should be manually filled out after that. The Hourly Rate, however, may be automatically fetched from the backend database if you have our app installed. Total, the final column in the printable version, is likewise computed using Excel formulas.

You can find a cell labeled "administrative fee $7.00 per hour" towards the bottom of the invoice form. Simply delete the label and formula if you don't require this field.

Format and Specification

Belongs to


Format (XLS or XLSX).xlsx
Line Height (Points)12.75
Print Area$E$2:$Q$50
Papaer OrientationPortrait
Default Margins (Points)