

The template works with both the Microsoft Store edition and the desktop edition of the app. Make sure you have installed one of them.

How to use:

  1. Download the EXE package.
  2. Double-click to extract the files into a folder. Make sure you have full access privileges to the folder, such as a subfolder inside “My Documents”.
  3. Open the template.
993 KBDownload

License: Private Use (not for distribution or resale). See our Terms of Use.


The screen shot for Business Invoice for Netherlands


This template is based on the Business Invoice Template (c5116). It changed not only the color theme of the original template but also the display format of the "City ZIP" field.

The purpose of the modifications is to make the template suitable for Netherlands-based businesses according to the requirements detailed at Netherlands Sales Invoice Template (c6009).

First, we inserted a new row under the seller's business information section and marked it with the text "VAT#", which meant you could enter the VAT identification number of the supplier (the seller).

Secondly, we modify the display format of the original "City ZIP" line so that it shows "ZIP city", for example, "1234 AA Amsterdam".

To do this, we moved the "oknWhoCityStateZIP" and "oknShipCityStateZip" cells out of the printable area. This means that, when you enter new customer information, you should always enter these two values into the cells outside of the printable area.

Then, the following formula is applied to convert "City ZIP" to "ZIP City".

=CONCATENATE(RIGHT(oknWhoCityStateZip,LEN(oknWhoCityStateZip)-FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(oknWhoCityStateZip," ","^",LEN(oknWhoCityStateZip)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(oknWhoCityStateZip," ","")))))," ",LEFT(oknWhoCityStateZip,FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(oknWhoCityStateZip," ","^",LEN(oknWhoCityStateZip)-1-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(oknWhoCityStateZip," ",""))))-1))

Finally, in the "Bill To" and "Ship To" sections inside the printable area, the following formula is applied to show the "ZIP City" in the desired format:


The tax name of this template is set to "BTW (VAT)". All the text labels on this template are still in English instead of Dutch. If you prefer to translate the text labels, you can do this easily by typing in your own text to replace the default ones in Design Mode.

Format and Specification

Belongs to


Format (XLS or XLSX).xlsx
Line Height (Points)18.00
Print Area$D$3:$L$46
Papaer OrientationPortrait
Default Margins (Points)