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Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia

Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia - Top 10 Results

"Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia" returned the following top 10 Excel invoice templates from Invoicing Templates database.

1. Simple Tax Invoice Sample with Tax Rate List

"Simple Tax Invoice Sample with Tax Rate List" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 95.

(From Detail Page - about 11 words) - Let's see how the tax rate drop down list is created.

  1. Back up the template.
  2. Open the template.
  3. Click the "Settings" button on the "Invoice" worksheet.
  4. Go to the "Taxes" tab.
  5. Click to select "One Tax".
  6. Change tax name to "TAX". Change Tax rate to the value that you used most often.
  7. Click "Apply". This will modify the layout of the invoicing form by hiding the second tax line, so that only one line of tax (including tax name, rate, and amount).
  8. Click the "Design Mode" button on the "Invoice" worksheet. This unprotects the spreadsheet, shows gridlines and row/column headings, and also pushes down the "Design" button on Excel "Developer" ribbon tab.
  9. Choose an empty location to place the tax rate list on the bill form. In this sample, we choose the range on the column $S and column $T.

    (From Detail Page - about 52 words) - Move out the contents that are already on the columns, i.e. the comment text starting with "To create an invoice" etc. To do this, drag your mouse to select all the content you want to move, and then drag the border of the select area to move it to the new location.

  10. Set a slightly different background color (green - blue in this sample) for these two columns.
  11. Enter the state names on the first column. Enter the corresponding tax rates on the second column.

    (From Detail Page - about 203 words) - For the purpose of this demonstration, we copied the tax rates from State Sales Tax Rates | Sales Tax Institute (As of 3/1/2016). . Sales and use tax rates change on a monthly basis. This chart is for informational purposes only. As the source origin statement shows, specific questions should be addressed to your tax advisor or a State Department of Revenue, such as Texas Sales Tax. The rate chart gives tax rate for the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming. No matter what business you are running - attorney / legal, medical, catering, restaurant, law firms (whether small or big), health insurance billing or statement / timesheet, car / vehicle sales, graphic designs, freelance, plumbing, marketing, business plans, accounting, house rent (yearly or monthly), or even home businesses for monthly bill, it is import for you to making taxation correct on your invoices.

  12. Move the tax name "TAX" one column left to leave a blank cell for state name. In this sample, we move the text from $I$35 to $H$35.
  13. Click to select the cell left by moving out "TAX", i.e. $I$35. Name this cell "oknTaxStateName".
  14. Switch to Excel ribbon "Data". Choose "Data Validation / Data Validation ...".
  15. On the "Data Validation" dialog box, choose "List" from the "Allow" list. Fill the address of the state name list into the "Source" box. In this case, we set it to "=$S$6:$S$56".
  16. Right-click the cell, choose "Format Cells" from the shortcut menu. Go to the "Protection" tab, clear the "Locked" option. Click "OK" to close the "Format Cells" dialog box. This makes the cell fillable when the sheet is protected (i.e. when you start to create an invoice).
  17. Right-click the tax rate cell ($J$35), choose "Format Cells" from the shortcut menu. Go to the "Protection" tab, check the "Locked" option. Click "OK" to close the "Format Cells" dialog box. This makes the cell not manually fillable as we need to fill it with a formua.
  18. Make sure the tax rate cell ($J$35) is selected. Assign it a formula - " =VLOOKUP(oknTaxStateName,S6:T56,2,FALSE)". This "VLOOKUP" formula searches for the state name on the cell named "oknTaxStateName" in the first column of our tax rate table/chart, and return the rate value on the second column. For more information about the VLOOKUP formula, refer to Microsoft document at VLOOKUP function.

    (From Detail Page - about 60 words) - As you can see from this sample, while Microsoft Word (and other programs, like Publisher, Microsoft Works, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), or even Photoshop could be used to create beautiful invoicing forms, Excel is far more easier than others when it comes to do calculations. By using Excel formulas, you can easily define the relationship between fields for Uniform Invoice Software.

  19. Exit design mode by clicking the "Design Mode" button on the "Invoice" ribbon tab.
  20. Click the "Invoices" button on the "Invoice" ribbon tab.
  21. Click "Custom Fields" to open the "Custom Field Manager" dialog box.
  22. Click "Add Field".
  23. Fill in the new field information: Field Name - TaxStateName; Type - "Text"; Default Value - "Alabama" (This is the name of the state that you sell to most frequently. When you click the "Clear & New" command to have the bill form ready for next invoice, the cell "oknTaxStateName" will be filled with this default value); Size - 50.
  24. Close the "Add New Field" dialog box.
  25. Close the "Custom Field Manager" dialog box.
  26. Save the template by clicking the "Save" button on Excel quick access toolbar.


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

2. Hourly Service Invoice Template

"Hourly Service Invoice Template" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 94.

(From Detail Page - about 69 words) - While all the invoicing templates online here on is has the final common source - the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software, our invoicing software that is able to turns a pure Excel-formatted invoice template into a complete invoicing program, the direct source of this invoice template, Hourly Service Invoice Template (or Hourly Service Billing Statement) is actually based on c4001 Invoice Template with 4 Columns.

(From Detail Page - about 122 words) - c4001 Invoice Template with 4 Columns was created from the default invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software, by moving the Product# column out of the printable invoicing form and placing it before the taxable column. We don't remove the product# mainly for two reasons. First, with Uniform Invoice Software the Product# is a standard field that is required. Second, with Uniform Invoice Software installed, you can retrieved item descriptions, prices and other related information from the backend database by simply entering the item# into the Product# field. This feature is called in-cell lookup, and it is useful even you are running a service business, because it helps you avoid typing same content again and again once it is save to database.

(From Detail Page - about 112 words) - To create Hourly Service Invoice Template from c4001 Invoice Template with 4 Columns, we moved out the Shipping Address section because this is a service invoice template, and then change the column headings from Quantity and Unit Price to Hours and Rate. It is a basic sample on how we customize the invoicing templates here on As long as you follow the guidelines detailed in the Uniform Invoice Software documents, all templates customized in this way will work with Uniform Invoice Software without problem. One last word, however, always protect the Invoice worksheet once you have done your customization. This prevents unexpected modifications to the format and layout of the template.


3. Pest Control Invoice / Work Order

"Pest Control Invoice / Work Order Form" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 58.


(From Detail Page - about 158 words) - By fully customizable, we meant you can not only personalize the logo image and your company information, but also colors, fonts, borders and additional images, and even the Excel formulas that used to calculate taxes and subtotal, totals. Simply put, our templates are not protected with a password, you can use it with or without Uniform Invoice Software installed - all are totally under your control. However, if you have Uniform Invoice Software installed, Pest Control Invoice / Work Order could be your electronical invoicing system that allows you to easily manage your customers, products, invoices and payments. For example, you can look up a customer information by search for name, company, address, phone, city state or zip / postal codes. By simple clicks, you can find out all the invoices created for the customer. You can also send electronic invoice online to your customer, in Excel spreadsheet (xlsx or xls) format, PDF format, or image (PNG) format.

(From Detail Page - about 63 words) - Not satisfied with the existing fields we put on the Pest Control Invoice / Work Order form? No problem. You can add new fields by simple dragging and dropping. The complete design documents are packed into Uniform Invoice Software installer program. So feel free to download and try it. The trial version of Uniform Invoice Software is fully functional within the trial period.

(From Detail Page - about 150 words) - Now let's take a look at the Pest Control Invoice / Work Order form itself. The invoicing template or work order template could be used for residential or commercial pest control services. The form has a logo image on the top of the form - this is a place holder image with our web site name InvoicingTemplate on it. If you have Uniform Invoice Software version 4 installed, the default image could be replaced with your own logo image by simply clicking on the "Replace Logo Image" button on the "Invoice" ribbon tab. If you don't have Uniform Invoice Software installed, you can still replace the default logo image manually - there are several steps involved, as detailed in the help document installed with Uniform Invoice Software, you should firstly unprotect the Invoice worksheet, and then switch to design mode, and then right-click the image object and then choose "Properties".


(From Detail Page - about 101 words) - While our custom pest control invoices forms produce beautiful invoices as what you can purchase from office supply stores, the another advantage of our templates is that you can upgrade by installing Uniform Invoice Software at any time you like. With Uniform Invoice Software installed, your invoicing system goes electronically and no more paper work. For example, if you need to find an invoice, it usually takes hours if you have only printed paper invoices. This could be seconds if you have Uniform Invoice Software - you can find by invoice#, date, any available customer information, product / item description etc.

(From Detail Page - about 67 words) - As both the screenshot and the PDF invoice show, the top section of the invoice form provides general fields that could be found on many service billing template, such as Invoice Date, Invoice #, Terms, Service Date, Start Time, Finish Time, Warranty. The "Shipping Address" section that found on most sales invoice template is now labeled with "SERVICE LOCATION" and includes two fields: Address and Phone Number.


(From Detail Page - about 24 words) - On the bottom of the Pest Control invoice and work order form, you'll find fields for "Technician's Name", "License #" and " Customer's Signature".


4. Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items

"Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 57.

(From Detail Page - about 38 words) - "Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items" is a sample invoice that demonstrates how to use fixed or static product items on the body part of the printable invoice form. It is a sales template thus including shipping fields.

(From Detail Page - about 164 words) - In some businesses the number of products or service items offered are limited, i.e. the client / customers always order the same group of products / services from the company. It would be nice to have the invoice form always leaves the item#, item description, or even item unit price there and does not change them from invoice to invoice. We call these static or fixed items because they don't change. Using static and fixed items prevent you from type or choose the same product items again and again, saving your time and avoiding typo mistakes. The fixed items even won't get cleared when you execute "Clear & New" with Uniform Invoice Software installed - it sounds interesting because the "Clear & New" command is designed to clear all the content to make it a blank invoice form for next new invoice. So how do we tell the "Clear & New" command not to touch the items that shouldn't change from invoice to invoice?


(From Detail Page - about 129 words) - The "Lock" property is a very useful feature in Excel. When you protect a worksheet such as Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items, all cells are locked by default, which means that they cannot be edited. To enable cells to be edited while leaving only some cells locked, you can unlock the cells and then lock only specific cells and ranges before you protect the Invoice worksheet of Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items. To lock a cell or a range of cells, first drag your mouse to select the cell or cells, and then right-click one of the selected cell on the form, choose Format Cells. On the Number tab, check the "Locked" box. To unlock a cell or a range of cells, simply clear the "Locked" box.

(From Detail Page - about 63 words) - Tip: If you create a formula for a field or a cell be sure to lock it otherwise a warning mark appears on the cell. On the other hand, if you remove a formula from a locked cell in Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items, unlock the cell to make sure it is editable when Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items is protected.

(From Detail Page - about 46 words) - Note that these static or fixed items are not static text labels such as your company information on the invoice header. The static or fixed items are linked to database fields, and get saved to database when you click "Save To DB" in Uniform Invoice Software.


(From Detail Page - about 26 words) - As the name implies "Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items" includes shipping fields. For a service invoice template please see "Sample Service Invoice Template: Fixed Items".


5. Service Invoice Form with Discount Amount

"Service Invoice Template - Discount Amount" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 52.

(From Detail Page - about 28 words) - This template includes a Discount field in the bottom of the form, allowing you to specify the discount in amount. The service invoice template includes no shipping field.

(From Detail Page - about 116 words) - If you have Uniform Invoice Software installed, you may notice that the Discount field is added to both the Customer and Invoice Header database table. This means that, the discount can be saved into a client's account, and when you are making a billing invoice, The discount value is loaded / filled automatically along with the other customer information, such as customer name, address, city state and zip, country and email addresses etc. The form then uses formulas to calculate subtotal, taxes, total, total due. If you use the freeware version of this Service Invoice Form with Discount Amount template, won't benefit from connecting with a database because that should be done by Uniform Invoice Software.

(From Detail Page - about 88 words) - Just like a general sales invoice template, this service invoice template includes required fields on the form, including your logo, company name, date of order, buyer's name, description of product, amount due, taxes and anything else you specifically need for your company. However, since this is a service invoice template, we moved out all the fields that are defined for providing shipping information. If you would like a version that includes the shipping fields on the printable invoice, see Sales Invoice Form with Discount Amount here on

(From Detail Page - about 74 words) - The discount value in this invoice template is an amount value. Some businesses may like a percentage discount value that could be saved along with client details. You can find these variants on too - Service Invoice Form with Discount Percentage, this is the service invoice template that uses percentage discount value; and Sales Invoice Form with Discount Percentage, this template uses percentage discount value and includes shipping fields in the printable area.


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

6. Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style)

"Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Format)" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 48.

(From Detail Page - about 29 words) - Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style), designed by, has the similar layout and format as the PDF sample template on UPS (United Parcel Service), but in Microsoft Excel format.

(From Detail Page - about 99 words) - While there is no standard format for a commercial invoice, customs agencies typically require that certain information be presented in clear and easily legible way. We've already provided some samples here on, like Free Commercial Invoicing Template, Free Blank Commercial Invoice Template, and Commercial Invoice Template with Colorful Business Name. There are also other pre-made commercial invoice. Numerous websites offer free, pre-made commercial invoice forms that can be printed and filled out manually. Some good examples include the aligned invoice by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and examples by international shipping companies like FedEx and UPS.

(From Detail Page - about 68 words) - This template, Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style) or Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Format), adheres to the requirements detailed on UPS web site. It includes all the fields found in the UPS pdf commercial invoice sample, and it also provides a similar layout. Unlike the UPS sample, this template created by is in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format, and as always, this template works well with Uniform Invoice Software.


(From Detail Page - about 196 words) - If you are in the business of import and export, you need to understand the difference between pro forma invoice and commercial invoice. These are both key documents while dealing with customers. Goods, merchandise and documents that are imported or exported between countries must typically include appropriate documentation, which may include either a commercial invoice or a pro forma invoice. While both types of invoices share a number of features, they have significant differences. Once after agreeing the terms of contract of sale, the buyer has to issue a purchase order or Letter of Credit. Just before this process, the seller has to send a 鈥榩ro-forma invoice' to buyer, mentioning complete details of agreement of sale. Normally, purchase order or Letter of credit is opened on the basis of this pro-forma invoice sent by the seller. Once the seller receives the purchase order, he gets a confirmation to send the goods. He now ships the goods to the buyer along with a commercial invoice. The commercial invoice is more like an invoice and the legal document of the actual sale. This document is used to record the AR for the seller and AP for the buyer.



(From Detail Page - about 103 words) - While the free version of Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style) is simple, the result invoice created by using this Microsoft Excel invoice template is as beautiful and professional as many commercial invoicing software program, or even better. It is an ideal tool for small businesses and freelances who sales products and do need a shipping section on their invoicing form. It is a good sales invoice creator, but if you need more features, like management of customers, products / product items, invoices and payments, just install Uniform Invoice Software to make all the buttons on Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style) work for you.


7. VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax

"VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 30.

(From Detail Page - about 30 words) - This sales VAT invoice template in Microsoft Excel format includes 6 columns on the printable invoicing form, that are Description, Price (Including Tax), Quantity, Total (Net), VAT Amount, Total VAT.

(From Detail Page - about 47 words) - This VAT invoicing template, VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax, was originally publish on, at VAT Invoice Template - Price Including Tax, and also our company web site, Uniform Invoice Software, Excel Date Picker - Uniform Software LTD, at VAT Invoice (Price including Tax).


(From Detail Page - about 49 words) - A counter partner of this free VAT invoice template is also available here on, at VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Excluding Tax, which defines the price in the way that does not include VAT. Choose any template that suits your business requirements and download it for free.

(From Detail Page - about 53 words) - Like many other invoicing templates here on Invoicing Templates, VAT Sales Invoicing Template - Price Including Tax has a default logo image on the top of the invoice form. To replace it with your default logo image, you need to first unprotect the invoice worksheet, and then put the spreadsheet into design mode.


(From Detail Page - about 11 words) - To show gridlines and row/column headers in Excel 2000 - 2003:


(From Detail Page - about 40 words) - After your customization, go back to the Tools menu, Options, View tab. Under Window options, REMOVE the checks you previously placed by the two check boxes to hide gridlines and row/column headers. This will restore the appearance of your template.

(From Detail Page - about 14 words) - To show/hide gridlines and row/column headers in Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013:

  1. Click and activate the worksheet you want to display gridlines and row/column headers for.
  2. Go to the View tab of the Ribbon.
  3. Click Show/Hide, and then check or uncheck the Gridlines and Headings options.

(From Detail Page - about 17 words) - The gridlines and row/column headings could help a lot when design the layout of the invoice form.


  • In Excel 2003 click the Design Mode button on the Control Toolbox toolbar. Tip: If the Control Toolbox toolbar is invisible, click Excel menu View > Toolbars > Control Toolbox.
  • In Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013, click the Design Mode button in the Controls group of the Developer tab.

    (From Detail Page - about 53 words) - TIP: If the Developer tab is not available in Excel 2007, do the following to display it: a) Click Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options; b) In the Popular category, under Top options for working with Excel, select the Show Developer tab in the Ribbon check box, and then click OK.

    (From Detail Page - about 49 words) - Or in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013 to display the Developer tab: a) Click File > Options > Customize Ribbon; b) In the area on the right, ensure that the box next to Developer is checked; c) When you click OK, the Developer tab will appear in the ribbon.

(From Detail Page - about 26 words) - Once you have finished your design work for VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax, click the Design Mode button again to exit design mode.

(From Detail Page - about 93 words) - (Note that if you have installed the latest version of our invoicing software, Uniform Invoice Software, which is able to upgrade a simple template in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format into a complete invoicing system, you don't have to replace the logo image manually - you can replace the default logo image by clicking the "Replace Logo Image" button on the ribbon tab in Excel 2007, Excel 2010 and Excel 2013). To replace the default LOGO image in VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax with your own image, follow the steps below:



(From Detail Page - about 74 words) - VAT invoicing template (prices including tax) is a sales invoice template, meaning that it includes a shipping address section on the printable invoicing form. If you are running a service business, such as a consultant, you may like to see the service version, at VAT Service Invoice Template - Price Including Tax. If your prices are excluding taxes, then please download the free invoice template at VAT Service Invoice Template - Price Excluding Tax.


8. Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization)

"Consulting (1st Sample)" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 26.


(From Detail Page - about 60 words) - By moving the "Machine#" field out of the printable invoice form, the original Consulting Invoicing Template becomes more universal and thus be suitable for more types of constants. The sample consulting invoice template created in this tutorial, like all the other templates here on, has a free edition and an edition that should be used with Uniform Invoice Software.

(From Detail Page - about 70 words) - The "Machine#" field is placed in a box along with several other fields, including Requisition #, Work Order #, P.O. # and Terms. In most sales invoice templates available here on, the location of this box is designed for the "Shipping To" section. Since this is a service invoice template, we don't keep any shipping fields 鈥?i.e. all the shipping fields are moved out of the printable area


(From Detail Page - about 43 words) - If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization), note that this invoice template uses custom fields. Custom fields are the fields that are not defined in the default database design, but added by the end-users.

(From Detail Page - about 236 words) - When working with Uniform Invoice Software version of Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization), how does Uniform Invoice Software know to which cell when a field value write to when loading data from the database, and to which field a cell value must save when saving an invoice, a customer or a product item? That is, how does Uniform Invoice Software create the map or relationship between Excel cells on the template Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization) and database fields? The answer is by using names. For example, if the field name in the Product table in a database is "ProductType", it is writing to a cell named "oknProductType_?" (where ? is the line number of the invoicing item) when you pick up a product or item on creating an invoice, and when saving an invoice, all cells with the name "oknProductType_?" are saved to the "ProductType" field in the Invoice Body database table. By using cell names, Uniform Invoice Software allows you to move a cell on the form without breaking the feature depending on the field / cell. You can place the "Product Type" column either inside the printable area, which is printed when you issue the Print command in Excel or click the Print command on the Invoice form; or place the Product Type column outside the printable area, which will be included when you print or extract an invoice.

(From Detail Page - about 31 words) - Conclusion: By moving the "machine#" field out of the printable invoice form, the result of this customization, Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization), becomes a more universal consulting invoice template.


Not satisfied with the pure-Excel invoice templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia? Try Uniform Invoice Software.

Uniform Invoice Software is our invoicing software that has the unique ability that upgrades any templates available here on, including the following templates returned by Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia, to a complete and powerful invoicing system or invoice creator.

9. Advance Payment Invoicing Format

"Advance Payment Invoicing Format" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 9.



(From Detail Page - about 87 words) - This template, Advance Payment Invoicing Format, differs from the original design in that it adds two new cells, "Advance Payment %" and "Advance Payment Amount" to the bottom of the invoice spreadsheet. The first cell "Advance Payment %" is a manually editable cell (that is, it is unlocked), where you enter the percentage of the advance payment. The second cell, "Advance Payment Amount" is calculated automatically based on the total payable and advance payment percentage. The advance payment amount is then deducted from the invoice balance due.

(From Detail Page - about 13 words) - Both "Advance Payment %" and "Advance Payment Amount" are implemented as custom fields.


(From Detail Page - about 110 words) - The support for custom fields makes it possible for even an end user who does not know programming at all, could add new features to her/his invoicing creator such as Advance Payment Invoicing Format without writing one line of programming code. For example, in this tax invoicing template named Mixed Tax Rates in an Invoice, we implement the support of mixed tax rates in the same invoice by using custom fields. The result of the customization is offered in two editions, as what we do to all the other templates available here on, that are one freeware edition, and another edition that works only with Uniform Invoice Software installed.


(From Detail Page - about 106 words) - The design of Advance Payment Billing Format also takes advantages of Excel formulas. By using Excel formulas, we are able to create the relationship between Excel cells that are mapped to database fields in Uniform Invoice Software. This gives Uniform Invoice Software unusual flexibility that supports not only simple and regular invoicing and billing forms, but also complex layouts and formats that are required in many business practices. With the Excel-formatted spreadsheet forms, we are able to design invoices that are beautiful and professional. With the database connected via Uniform Invoice Software, your invoicing system will be able to manage customers, products, invoices and payments easily.

(From Detail Page - about 86 words) - For example, the invoice template at Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items locks the first item on the detail section of the printable invoicing form. Which means that, the first line (the description) will not be changed from invoice to invoice. In fact, all template here on are created based on the default sales invoice template shipped with Uniform Invoice Software. Please refer to the "Customizing Invoice Template" chapter of Uniform Invoice Software help file for more information on how to customize our invoice templates.


10. Rental Invoicing Template

"Rental Invoicing Template" was found to be relative to Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia with the score grade of 6.

(From Detail Page - about 35 words) - This free blank Rental Invoicing Templates offers an easy way for you to create rental invoices or rental receipts. The rent invoice form is in Microsoft Excel format and is printable on standard A4 paper.



(From Detail Page - about 56 words) - The free rent invoice layout has two additional columns than the standard sales invoice template, so the most important thing while designing this invoice layout based the default sales invoice template is to adjust the existing 5 columns in the sales invoice template to leave space for the two new columns (Start Month and End Month).


(From Detail Page - about 44 words) - If you use the Uniform Invoice Software version of our rental invoice template or rental receipt template, it is also required to add Start Month and End Month as custom fields to the Invoice Body database table. They are all fields of type "DateTime".


(From Detail Page - about 228 words) - When working with Uniform Invoice Software version of Rental Invoicing Template, how does Uniform Invoice Software know to which cell when a field value write to when loading data from the database, and to which field a cell value must save when saving an invoice, a customer or a product item? That is, how does Uniform Invoice Software create the map or relationship between Excel cells on the template Rental Invoicing Template and database fields? The answer is by using names. For example, if the field name in the Product table in a database is "ProductType", it is writing to a cell named "oknProductType_?" (where ? is the line number of the invoicing item) when you pick up a product or item on creating an invoice, and when saving an invoice, all cells with the name "oknProductType_?" are saved to the "ProductType" field in the Invoice Body database table. By using cell names, Uniform Invoice Software allows you to move a cell on the form without breaking the feature depending on the field / cell. You can place the "Product Type" column either inside the printable area, which is printed when you issue the Print command in Excel or click the Print command on the Invoice form; or place the Product Type column outside the printable area, which will be included when you print or extract an invoice.

(From Detail Page - about 50 words) - If you own a property management service, this rental invoice template or rental receipt template might be helpful. This rental billing form was designed for rental properties or monthly subscription service. It includes an area for the property address and tenant name. There are also fields for commonly use items.


* - numbers inside "...(" and ")..." indicating the words omitted from the descriptions of the templates.

Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia - Summary

Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia returned the following top 10 results from database.

Top 10 Results of Rent Tax Invoice Template Australia
Title / File Name / Release Date / RequirementsColumns / Template#LinesPrintable on / OrientationCategory
Simple Tax Invoice Sample with Tax Rate List, Simple Tax Invoicing Sample - Tax Rate List,
Monday, February 8, 2016,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 06212A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Hourly Service Invoice Template, Hourly Service Billing Statement,
Sunday, September 28, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 02512A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template
Pest Control Invoice / Work Order, Pest Control Invoice / Work Order Form,
Friday, November 6, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 0424A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template
Sample Sales Invoice Template: Fixed Items, Sales Template with Fixed Items,
Saturday, December 21, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 04012A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Service Invoice Form with Discount Amount, Service Invoice Template - Discount Amount,
Tuesday, November 19, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
5 / c5 * 01112A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template
Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Style), Commercial Invoice Template (UPS Format),
Monday, October 19, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
7 / c7 * 02512A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Pro-forma Invoice Template
VAT Sales Invoice Template - Price Including Tax, VAT Sales Invoicing Template - Price Including Tax,
Monday, May 26, 2014,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
6 / c6 * 00718A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Consulting Invoice Template (1st Sample of Customization), Consulting (1st Sample),
Wednesday, December 4, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
4 / c4 * 01616A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Consulting Invoice Template
Advance Payment Invoicing Format, Advance Payment Billing Format,
Sunday, October 18, 2015,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
6 / c6 * 02320A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Sales Invoice Template
Rental Invoicing Template, Rental receipt form,
Tuesday, December 10, 2013,
Excel 2003/2007/2010/2013 (.xls format)
7 / c7 * 0016A4 (210 mm x 297 mm) / Portrait Service Invoice Template

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